Francesco Paolo Ballirano

Senior Associate

Location: Rome




Francesco Paolo Ballirano specializes in aviation law, with a particular focus on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Francesco assists clients in the authorization and certification procedures for UAV operations with the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC). He also drafts contracts for drone usage, paying specific attention to issues related to civil liability, insurance profiles, privacy, and client relationships.

With substantial experience in both judicial and arbitration proceedings, Francesco provides assistance to clients in various disputes, demonstrating specific expertise in the areas of aviation law, labor law, healthcare law, and civil law.

Additionally, he collaborates with national and international journals specialized in UAVs, serves as a member of the scientific committee of the Dronezine journal, and regularly participates in industry conferences, both in Italy and abroad.

AREAS OF PRACTICE: Aviation law, labor law, healthcare law, civil law.